This Blog is no longer receiving active posts due to a family loss which lead to the forced sale of the Pollinator Potager's location.
I am pleased to relate that the garden is still being tended by the new property owner, for which I am grateful.
The memories of my Pollinator Potager Project will remain here, and in my heart.
Monday, 14 May 2018
The Pink Clematis
Ten years ago, or thereabouts, my sister and I bought our mom a pink clematis. It was planted under an arbour near the backyard pool, where it could be enjoyed by all during the summer months.
Mom is spending less time in the back yard these days; so, when age and deterioration necessitated renovations to our backyard deck, we transplanted the clematis to the front yard near mom's picture window, overlooking the perennial potager.
When digging the clematis root out of it's long-time home, it broke into three pieces. I decided to plant one on each side of the front window and the third near the base of the hydro pole in direct view of the house. I was thinking that if all three pieces survived the move, mom would have triple the enjoyment.
So far, this spring, one piece is already sending up shoots, which gives me hope that the other two are just a little slower finding their footing in this season of cool temperatures and late sprouting.
I do find that most plants are amazingly resilient, under the most unimaginable circumstances; and, gardeners who tend them are often just as robust, especially in the spring when energy and enthusiasm are invigorated.
I’m finding that my get-up-and-go this week seems directly related to a hardy climbing perennial, relocated from the back yard. I keep checking on it's progress and looking to see how it's root-mates are doing; and, that in turn segues into other gardening activities.
The pink clematis is just one plant of many I will tend and admire in my garden this season; and, the beckoning foliage and blossoms will draw my mother out to this happy place, as well.
2018 Published