This Blog is no longer receiving active posts due to a family loss which lead to the forced sale of the Pollinator Potager's location. I am pleased to relate that the garden is still being tended by the new property owner, for which I am grateful. The memories of my Pollinator Potager Project will remain here, and in my heart.

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Spectator Special

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Photo: Barry Gray
The Hamilton Spectator

Today, Doug and I were fortunate enough to have our front and side gardens featured in the Hamilton Spectator GO section. Rob Howard, Garden Writer for the Spectator came to see us early Sunday morning; and his photographer, Barry Gray, took lovely photographs on Monday afternoon.

Rob skillfully captured the appearance, usefulness, and overall impression of our perennial pollinator and Potager (kitchen garden), making it look and feel so inviting that readers couldn't help but want to come for a visit; and Barry illustrated Rob's words about the beauty and whimsy of our garden in ten evocative photos.

Linked here, is the Hamilton Spectator article, "Masters of the art of full frontal gardening," with accompanying photos. 

Doug and I are thrilled with the final result and positive response. If you haven't already seen today's paper, we hope you'll enjoy reading the Hamilton Spectator special feature, attached above, for yourself.