This Blog is no longer receiving active posts due to a family loss which lead to the forced sale of the Pollinator Potager's location. I am pleased to relate that the garden is still being tended by the new property owner, for which I am grateful. The memories of my Pollinator Potager Project will remain here, and in my heart.

Sunday 17 June 2018

Pure Perfection

My Maternal Grandfather's Vintage Peony
Now Growing in my Garden,
and Beside His Grave

Two years ago, I went on a pilgrimage to recover a piece of my maternal grandfather's peony plant.

The peony had grown in his garden on Ottawa Street South all during the years my mother was growing up; and, a piece of its root was given by my grandfather to my mother as a housewarming gift when she and my father bought their first house.

When my parents purchased their second home, some 20-years later, my mother forgot to bring the root with her: A mistake she began to regret more and more as the years passed.

It turned out that I was easily able to retrieve a piece of the vintage root from the current home owners; and, it has bloomed for two years now in my garden, and next to my grandfather's cemetery headstone - gone full circle, back to him, so to speak.

The flowers of the ancient peony are a lovely soft pink with delicate single petals, bright yellowy-gold stamens and sturdy stems: Pure perfection in my eyes, and more importantly, my mother's eyes.

This year I entered some of the peony blooms in the Mount Hamilton Horticultural Society's Scents of Summer Mini Flower Show, and on June 15th they helped me win my first 1st place ribbon in the 'Garden Party' Floral Design category.

The Judge's comments,
"Lovely interpretation of the class;
Perfect designing.
Well done."
were clearly aimed at me; but, I think credit should be given to the real stars of the show. Specifically, my "perfect" design win could not have come about without the pure perfection of my grandfather's well-loved peony blossoms and their timely arrival; and, for that I am truly grateful.

My June 15, 2018 Flower Show Design Winner
in the MHHS 'Scents of Summer' Competition,
Featuring Grampa Macdonald's Vintage Peonies