This Blog is no longer receiving active posts due to a family loss which lead to the forced sale of the Pollinator Potager's location. I am pleased to relate that the garden is still being tended by the new property owner, for which I am grateful. The memories of my Pollinator Potager Project will remain here, and in my heart.

Thursday 11 May 2017

Planting Journal

Click on Image to Enlarge

This week, I decided to add a Planting Journal to my blog, in the form of a tabbed page link located just under the blog title bar.

This online journal should provide a visible and easily accessible place for me to record my important and ongoing gardening information; including: date, plantings,
location of purchase, soil and amendments, borders and whimsy, pollinator habitat, etc. It will also allow me to share my successes and failures with other gardeners.

I'd like to encourage you to send questions, suggestions and comments to me through the blog Contact Form. Let me know if
this 2017 Planting Journal is useful to you, as you move forward with your own gardening endeavors.

Hopefully, through shared exploration and implementation, our successes will be many, and our failures will be few.

Note: The 2017 Planting Journal was accidentally deleted from this blog, and could not be retrieved. The Journal did not turn out to be the visible and easily accessible record I'd hoped it would be. Lesson learned: I will, therefore, be backing up my 2018 Planting Journal in a separate location.