This Blog is no longer receiving active posts due to a family loss which lead to the forced sale of the Pollinator Potager's location. I am pleased to relate that the garden is still being tended by the new property owner, for which I am grateful. The memories of my Pollinator Potager Project will remain here, and in my heart.

Friday 1 September 2017

The Ripening

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Our Four Varieties of Tomatoes

This past spring, I planted 4 different varieties of tomato plants - one of each - grown in my kitchen window from seed. I placed them in large food-grade plastic pots on my front porch and encouraged the plants to grow.

I've written before about the deep watering spikes I employed to keep the plants from developing bottom end rot, having to replace a seedling stolen by a bird with a store bought-plant, and the troubles I had with tomato horn worms eating away at my healthy crop.

I'm excited, now, to be able to report that the tomatoes have started to ripen - All four plants; and, in no time at all, I expect to have dozens of delicious juicy tomatoes, and not just the garden sweetheart miniatures.

It takes a tremendous amount of optimism to survive a season of growing tomatoes ... so much can go wrong; however, barring a cold snap or another unforeseen garden tragedy, I hope the ripening will continue until all this year's fruit can be picked and eaten.

If not, though, I'm determined to keep a positive attitude, imagining the chance to finally try fried green tomatoes - I hear it's a delicacy.